Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Coloring Books!

My mom would tell you I have always loved coloring stuff- when I was little, I colored the wall to be like Harold with his purple crayon, and my dad still has some speakers that I colored on. They are now art.

As a hipster, I still like to color stuff. Though now I cut off heads of pirates from one coloring book and put them on dinosaur bodies from another coloring book. Then I add images from ads and stuff.

Note that the Indie Rock Coloring Book royalties go to charity. Awwwwwwww! Do-gooder hipsters.

Thanks to Bellmore Family Dental
TrendHunter for a post about Hipster Activity Books

Monday, January 31, 2011

Bad Hair

When I was 10, I'm sure I thought it was a good idea to cut my own hair. My mom sometimes cut my hair at home, so why shouldn't I try it? I'm glad I never did, because I would have made this face and would have had to go through a traumatizing time of regrowing my hair, and hats weren't allowed in school.

This girl should maybe start a hair salon in Uptown. Lady hipsters would come flocking for really short, uneven bangs and asymmetry! But she would need to study up on current hipster fashion- bangs that cover a good portion of the part of your face that contains the eyes used to be primarily reserved for the ladies but dudes have caught on to how awesome it is to have your hair in your face.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Metapost #2: Irony in the Minneap

I bet 10-year-olds have no idea that the state fair, taxidermy, bowling, and pizza could be ironic. Do they even understand irony? Also, is PBR ironic if you drink it because that's how you were raised? Maybe that's exactly why it's ironic: because being that this is how you were raised, one would naturally conclude that you would drink it. However, as a hipster, you like to defy expectation and be unique (just like everyone else), so therefore you wouldn't drink it. But! Also as a hipster, you understand that this is the expectation, thus you decide to drink PBR and throw original expectations in the face of society! This logic is reminiscent of The Princess Bride.

Graph from Minnesota Association of Rogue Taxidermists

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Face Paint/Tattoos

One of the best things about being a grown-up is that you can kind of do what you want! So, if you remember all the awesome fake tattoos, face paint, and the times you let your friends draw cool stuff all over you, then why not do it again but for real this time?*

*Two things: first, notice how this post is only about face paint tattoos. There are so many great hipster tattoos I need more posts to do them justice. Second, I should be clear that my own particular version of this phenomenon has manifested itself in the form of a pterodactyl and a yeti, etched into my skin for life (not on my face though). And it totally rules.

girl stars
hipster stars

Friday, January 21, 2011

Banana Phones

We all know the Raffi song. Boop boop be-doop-a-doop!

Photo Credits: Misosouper and Instructables- actually a how-to on making a bluetooth banana phone wireless handset. I kind of want it.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


When you're 10, fake moustaches totally rule. You can be a cop, a cowboy, Tom Selleck, or, if you're a girl, you can be a man! For hipsters, I think the fascination is probably the same.

Thanks Lisa Schaffer, katnawlins, VisualizeUs, ironic hipster moustache

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Coloring Outside the Lines

As a hipster, I not only enjoy coloring outside the lines but also cutting out the dinosaurs and some pirates too, and then re-combining heads and bodies. Throw in a pizza, a kid, and maybe some text and I have my own hilarious hipster art.

Thanks Molly Lewis for coloring these dinosaurs.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dinosaur Hoodies

To be honest, I would probably wear either of these both when I was 10 and now.

Images from here and here

Friday, January 14, 2011

Space, Lions, and Yellow Pants

When I was 10 I had a ton of stuffed animals. One was a lion, and I'm pretty sure my dog ate its nose off because he did that to all of my stuffed animals.

I had to be careful with the synthetic fibers in the lion's mane, having seen what fire and clothes dryers did to my sister's stuffed animals.

If only I had thought to send my lion to space! His nose would have remained intact.

Picture from Zoot Patrol

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Metapost #1: TheTheory of Hipster Relativity

When I was 10, I spent time drawing unicorns. If you didn't, then compared to you I'm a hipster.

Thanks for the comic, Dustinland!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"Look mom, I'm a sloth!"

This ad from American Apparel cracks me up, and I got it from an article talking about how it was creepy that this woman is swinging from a tree in only a shirt and socks.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


When I was 10, I probably hoped that in the future everyone would wear lights everywhere. You know, like robots. Now that we live in the future, you can get those programmable scrolling LED belts if you're a cool kid! But if instead you're a hipster or 10-year-old, I bet nothing beats good ol' mini Christmas bulbs.

To be extra hipster or nostalgic for when you were a kid, you could carry a battery and extra bulbs in a fanny pack. If you also happen to be a hippy, get LED lights- they're more energy efficient. Get your friends to do it too, and then you could connect together like in amoeba tag! Not recommended for while you skid around town on your fixed gear bike or for rescuing ET from the government on your huffy.

Thanks Meredith, for the pictures of your friend Jared!

Monday, January 10, 2011

If I hadn't been a tomboy...

If I had dressed like a girl when I was 10, I would have wanted this. It's colorful and has those weird sleeves!
I would have worn it as a cover-up at Valleyfair. I would have ditched it at the lazy river, being that I was 10 and didn't see the need for a cover-up. Then I would have forgotten it there, and complained to my mom the whole way home that we had to go back and find it.
But MOM!!

Thanks for the picture, mediageek